‘Post Puff Clarity’

This video starts with an interview, the music will start after.

Weekdays days all I ever feel is fed up 

Never two good days in succession 

Anuva wet one

Just seems like the higher I sore  the lower I fall back into the pit 

Sarlak get et up

Need to to bob my fet up 

get up 

if I never knew better I’d call it depression 

But I witness that shit first hand 

got tendencies of my dad to sign a confession

But self diagnoses nah

Never been my intention 

Learned lessons 

No point stressing 

Blessed with a good self introspection 

Try find where I do go wrong 

So gotta stop that second guessing 

Like Why dun I buy them creps

Why’d I just buy them socks 

Why dun I go on dates so lapsy daised

But I vice that verse all lesson learned

Get what you derserve on the low 

Karmas not a b*tch just cruel mistress the nature of who’s  not friend nor foe just pay it respect and you’ll end up okay in the end the end of the day it’s just another tear dun shead 

If it’s not from my eye

It’s from the crack  in my soul

That hole that you left 

Another 3 day stretch no shower just bed 

Stare at my phone miss that call fucking air that text 

Communications sh*t that I dare not bare

Sometimes I do try set aside my strife and glide away 

Take life in strides the past is dead tomorrows a mile way 

These days I’m a confessional bloke 

Poke holes in the plot I feel destined to trot 

By not folding to pressure and blocks 

not letting in fester n choke me senseless sense says 

I gotta get up n go not 

get fed up and roll over an over and over 

like professional bowls ya

Gotta Come better than those To better yourself 

Self betterment’s rest 



Be harsh 

But only to help those sentiments mend 

Then Lend a kind hand the man in the mirror 


No matter the figure that might stand in the picture 

The fact of the matters that man is a victor 

Skin does 

Not matter a bit cuz 

Nor do the scriptures 

Religion to me’s a means to belief in a system justice

But who’s me to judge this 

 I kneel to no creed do 

my two cents is Just bubkiss 

Two pence and a bunned spliff how my funds is these days

My mentions of these faiths are scentered in 

Bleak natured scents of weak haze though 

Baked perceptions ain’t best ones

post puff clarity’s a Mazza 

Mad to me to make perfections   

when the beauties in the chaos 

and details hold the devil 

subtle payoffs to yourself will 

Settle in when you play whats dealt and revel in it 

Who just wants 7 minutes in heaven init 

Get to hell 

Sell my soul 

Bet my spirit 

On a better living 

Never hold a grudge or then you’ve set your limits 

Let em go dont stress the critics

Make you’re place in life a paradise and fucking share the visage 

But don’t get it twisted 

Still lead a life of mischief 

Just coping better putting pen up to the pad 

When the sh*t hits the fan

When Plan after plan after plan gets ditched it’s a quick fix but man I don’t love it I live this 


36INDIGO chose to write his song about relationships.

One way we can encourage positive relationships is through exploring ways we can communicate.

How could you use songwriting to communicate how you’re feeling?

Have you tried expressing your feelings through music before? You don’t need to always use words you can just let your music speak for itself. In 36INDIGO’s song they use different syllabic patterns, changes in rhythm and melodies, try using this in your song!

Try these songwriting prompts:

  • What would my ideal friend or partner be like?
  • How many ways can you describe the way you feel about someone?
  • What would you change about the current relationship with someone and why?
  • What are all the different ways you feel about your relationships?

Top Tip

As 36INDIGO says in his interview, you don’t have to overcomplicate your words, sometimes its best to forget rhyming and rhythm and just write out how you feel. You could refer to a diary or journal and create lyrics from your experiences.

If you are looking for further help with managing relationships, here are some useful links:

  • Anxiety UK – Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition. Phone 03444 775 774 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am – 5.30pm)
  • CALM – Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men aged 15-35. Phone 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm – 12am)
  • Mental Health Foundation – Provides information and support for anyone with mental health problems and learning disabilities
  • Mind – Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems. Phone 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am – 6pm)
  • No Panic – Charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Offers a course to help overcome your phobia or OCD. Phone 0844 967 4848 (daily, 10am – 10pm)
  • Papyrus – Young suicide prevention society. Phone HOPElineUK 0800 068 4141 (Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm, 7pm – 10pm, Sat-Sun, 2pm – 5pm)
  • Samaritans – Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Phone 116 123 (free 24/7 helpline)

If you write a song a song as a result of this page

we would love to hear it!

Contact us via [email protected]