New songwriting & music compositions for an exploration of mental health to encourage young people to use music as a tool for wellbeing.
We are looking for four young composers who will be commissioned to each write a piece of music exploring their wellbeing. Their final piece & performance will be filmed professionally, as well as an introduction to the video where they will discuss the benefits of using music as a wellbeing tool, their concept and what they experienced through writing their composition.
We are looking for 18- 25 year olds who will benefit from a professionally made video which could act as a ‘show reel’ of their work to help showcase their talent.
We would like to encourage applications from early-career musicians who have not had professional work before.
We will be paying £200 for the new music and a day of filming.
Once recorded the videos will be used as a promotional tool for young people to use music and songwriting as a tool for their wellbeing. It will be widely shared with schools and universities with which we regularly work.
Deadline for applications: 6pm on Saturday 12th March 2022
Applications should be filled via this form: https://forms.gle/LucSNTvkjzZY3bao7
OR you can answer the questions on the application by sending a video to [email protected]
Check out this live video we made with Thibaut as an exploration of film & mental health: